
Photoshopping McCain

It took me a while, but I have finally become a follower of political issues. I have formed my own opinions, and I can back them up with sound reasoning. What I have discovered along this journey, is that there are a lot of really ignorant people in this country (and especially in this region) who don't know why they believe what they believe. They just repeat what they hear, and sell it off as their own ideas. And so, I do my best to stand up for what I believe against this ignorance ("conservative" thinking), though I usually just get annoyed and end up kicking people in the face when they don't agree with me. It's easier than trying to debate with most people.

Speaking of kicking people in the face, have you seen or heard about this?!

Hill-f'n'-arious. (Oh, Photoshop, how I love thee.)

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