Ah, crap, that's all I can remember. Anyway, I'm back, and my biceps are HUGE, just like LL's.
So much to talk about... where to begin? Let's start with the quick and decisive demise of Summer in the city. Fall is here. It's official, and I couldn't be more pleased. If there were a brawl of the seasons, Fall would undoubtedly beat all of the other season's asses. Fall would take them all on at once, and leave them bloodied, battered, and crying for their mommas (said knock you out). The reasons for Fall's utter domination over the other seasons are many. Here are but a few of those reasons:
- Halloween and razor-blade-laced apples. This is the only holiday worth celebrating, as far as I'm concerned (other than boxing day, of course). What ever happened to this guy?
- Haunted Houses. Although, they seemed a helluva lot better when I was younger and they were less... regulated? I have to go this year, I missed the last few years and I vowed to make up for that mistake this year.
- The Red Wings begin their run for another Cup. Wait... I just remembered that I don't have TV. Crap.
- The air just smells better in the Fall.
- Oktoberfest.
- Naps are better in the Fall.
- Cider mills.
- Pumpkin carving... and then blowing them up two weeks later.
- My GD birthday. You have exactly 7 days to prepare. Just don't make me eat cake. I hate cake.
- And of course, you cannot have Fall without...
You are entirely correct, fall is the shiznit. Also add: MY birthday. And apple orchards and Halloween and the smell in the air and the kids back in school and the pumpkin ale and the pumpkin-flavored and -scented everything else...yes, fall kicks all other seasons' asses. Sadly, fall is followed immediately and suddenly by 8 months of winter. There art thou not happy.