
Stop blogging!

I've spent the last week sketching and brainstorming and writing down ideas for a photography blog. If I do it, I want to do it right, right? As you know, the first step is to come up with a name. The name is important. In fact, I've come up with a whole crap-load of names... but apparently I'm not creative enough, because EVERY GD NAME I have tried has already been taken! Half of the names that I want, are just in the URL, and not even mentioned or used in the title of the damn blogs that are hording them.

I really wish there was a Polish Maffia, because I would send them after these yahoos that are stealing all the good names.

Blogs actually began a decade ago, with sites like OpenDiary and LiveJournal, and eventually mutated into monsters that we know and love today, such as WordPress and Blogger (and 92 others who are trying to ride the wave). I spent a few minutes (OK, 1 minute) searching for the actual number of blogs that exist today. At my best estimation, there are... TOO MANY. By the time you read this, I would guess there have to be over 200 million, and counting.


  1. Do you want me to beat-up one of these people with a blog name that you want? I'll torture them til they give it up. I now have the strength of 1 1/2 people and no one would fight back against a pregnant woman, right?

  2. I thought of Photoblography for you, but I think that's taken

  3. rebecca... i will get the names and would love for you to punish them.

    anonymous... thanks, i appreciate the effort. at this point, i plan to stop thinking about it because i know that's when it will hit me.
