Our fair Governor is attempting to pass a law that would allow local "establishments" to serve liquor until 4am, and allow sales of liquor on Sundays at 7am, extending from the previous time constraints of 2am and 12noon, respectively. This would supposedly bring an extra 13.7 million to the cash-strapped goverment from an increased sale of liquor licenses.
Sure, it's a hot debate, and there are numerous pros/cons to argue. Here's my take on the situation:
1 - All of the jagasses who were causing trouble in the bars at 2am, are still going to cause trouble at 4am. No more, no less. Good people are good, and bad people are bad. An extra 2 hours of drinking time is not going to magically produce a whole new population of ingrates, drunkards, and shit-starters. And anyone who thinks otherwise is simply out of touch with human nature.
2 - If the state's alcoholics would like to help pay for government initiatives that are in dire need of money, such as road repair, education, and oh, I dunno, hiring more than 1 policeman and 1 fireman per city, then I'm all for it. I've never had any problem with sin taxes, and I have no problem with this. The only thing that hasn't been outlined in detail, though, is exactly how the government would use the extra revenue generated from the sales of licenses... so that needs to be determined.
3 - The idea of making it easier for people to get alcohol on Sunday morning, so they can show up to church blitzed, is worth my vote all by itself!
4 - If you're worried about your son's and daughter's safety, thinking there will be more drunk drivers on the roads, then see #1 from above, teach your kids about responsible drinking, teach them to drive defensively, and just keep them off the damn roads altogether at 4am.
5 - This proposed law is great and all, and I hope it passes and brings a few extra dollars into our economy. But instead, how about you assholes in Lansing get off your assholes, and pass the only law that f'n matters, the GD M'Fn smoking ban!! I swear to holy jeebus that I'm this close to moving out of this damn state for that reason alone. I've been coughing up a lung all week from the damage my asthma suffered the last few weekends while out at local bars and restaurants. I've just about had it. But I digress.
So, what do you think?
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