
Winter Blast

It's alright, you can say it. Winter Blast was... not much of a blast. The carnival rides were laughable. Due to the ironically warm weather, the ice sculptures were melting into indistinguishable mounds of slush. The skating performances might have been entertaining, but there was no way of seeing them unless you managed to push yourself right up against the edge of the rink. And as for the live music, I cannot comment because I couldn't find any during the time I was there (though I didn't look very hard, I will admit).

HOWever... I must say that even though the event itself was relatively lame, it still makes me proud, in some small way, of being a "Detroiter." During tough economic times like this, especially in the city itself, it would have been very easy to scrap the entire show, but they didn't. They made the most of it. They managed to wrangle up some sponsors, and keep the event alive. The turnout was surprisingly good, in my opinion, as well. Campus Martius was full of people, as were ALL of the local bars and restaurants, and the Bar Blast was rolling strong for most of the night. Hell, they even managed to bring back the ice slide. How can any event go wrong when it has an ice slide?

Here are a few pics from the evening:

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