
Evidence of the apocolypse

As if you needed anymore evidence that humans are not meant to exist for much longer, here is more proof. It is true, as Agent Smith had once pontificated, humans spread like a disease. As a whole, we choose to completely disregard the importance of living in balance with our environment, and Nadya is just another ignorant, delusional waste of space that exemplifies that idea.

1 comment:

  1. I am a huge proponent of a woman's right to choose - meaning abortion or birth. I would like to support this woman's "adventure" in parenting, however, it seems clear to me that she is merely having children to fill some void in her life...this is both disgustingly selfish and irresponsible. I think she should be seeking the help of a psychologist who can help her work through whatever deep-seeded (is it seeded or seated?) issues she has regarding what it means to have/be a family!

    Thanks for the post!
