
Brain vomit

Ok, it's time for a schizophrenic blog entry. It's been a while since I've done one like it. There will be no reason for you to read any of this. So here's goes nuthin...

When in the hell did gas stations start charging for AIR?! Did I miss that memo? Is our economy THAT bad, that I have to pay for air, now? Aren't the gas stations making enough money on all the fatties that buy 64oz Mountain Dews, Jerky and Kit-Kats with every fill up? Sonsofbitches.

Studies have shown that women who have gone to college are more likely to enjoy (giving and receiving) oral sex than those who didn't. Those bimbos don't look so hot, now, do they?

Lately, I have been completely unmotivated to accomplish anything creative. I would like to blame it on the weather, but that's too easy. Instead, I'm going to blame it on YOU. I did find a good photography blog and podcast, though, and I'm checking out a local photo-safari-thing this weekend. The only problem with this new found love that I have for photography, is that it costs more to maintain than a heroine addiction.

I f'n hate doing laundry. Especially since the dirty ogre who lives in my building always leaves the machines covered in cat ass-hair. Sharing a washing machine with strangers creeps me the F out. Maybe it's just me.

Speaking of ass, how brain-dead does a man have to be, for him to think that bare-assing in on the bench in the gym locker room is a good idea?

Apparently, I'm a little late to the party on this one... but oh, HOLY hell, have you seen this video?! Check out the comments and video replies. "How the fuck do we posta keep peace?" I like it when she breaks it down, completely out of synch with the beat. Instant classic, fo sho, yo!

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