This story makes me so violently angry, that I cannot tell you what I really think of the situation. I'm not going to describe for you what it is like to see your dad spend his entire life educating mentally disabled kids. Nope, not gonna do it. I'm also not going to lecture you on the true meaning of sport, or go near that "it's not about winning..." hullabaloo. Nope, staying clear. I'm not even going to go-off on how parents have ruined youth sports in this country. No, sir.
Instead, I'm going to laugh MY ASS OFF! I mean, HELL, how can you not, especially with comments from the scene like this, "I think the bad judgment was in the full-court press and the 3-point shots..." Jesus H, ya think?! Or how about this quote, "Somewhere during that game they got caught up in the moment." OMGFG, hil-arious.
Such a feat of fantastic tragedy could only happen under the watchful eye of a troupe of self-righteous, reality-oblivious, devout Christians from the south! Gidddyup!
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