I am sitting down at my computer, uninterrupted, for the first time in over a week. My presence is not required anywhere, by anyone today. *Breath*
Oh. Shit. Scratch that. I JUST got a text from an old friend who's b-day party I missed because I had to be somewhere else, and so it looks like my presence IS required somewhere in a few hours. Ahh, fuck balls.
ANYway, as I was saying. This holiday season, which isn't over yet, has been nothing short of hectic and tiring. It has also occurred to me, that of all of the places I've been and of all of people I've seen over the last 10 days, I haven't really been in control of more than a few hours of that time. It's funny how that works, isn't it? D-Tales and I went to Santarchy, which I had planned on doing (and even then we were only able to go for a very short time), and that was it. Oh, no, wait, I did play in a soccer tournament and that was definitely of my doing (I have a purple shin to prove it). Otherwise, I have been chasing family and friends to and fro, hither and yonder, living at the whim of others and not really fully pleasing any of them. I've done nothing more than my best to keep up.
As I sit here, now, with my first opportunity to reflect, I cannot help but wonder, and have inevitably come to ask myself that painfully-annoying, over-asked question, "Is this what the holidays are all about?!"
The answer, though, as much as I'd hate to admit it, is a resounding and convincing, "Yes."
Running all around town and being forced to see your friends and family is EXACTLY what the holidays are all about. Were we not to do it now, then when? As much as we like to complain about the madness that is December each year, we are social creatures, and social creatures require interaction with the people they care about. Our ever day lives are so loaded with time-consuming shit, that it is absolutely necessary to force ourselves to make time for one another over the holidays.
So, my advice to you (and myself), is to quit your bitching, get your ass out there, and be thankful for the friends and family that you DO have. And don't even try to tell me that you haven't had a good time along the way!

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