Hells. Yeah!
I love me some little green men. Ever since my mom bought me that sweet-ass, light-up E.T. finger in 1982, I have wanted to meet one. If I could marry a little green lady, I probably would. "So, where are you two lovebirds going on your honeymoon? The Betelgeuse galaxy?! Really?" Yes, really. HOT.
True story... I work at a local community college, which will remain unnamed for no particular reason, and a few years ago they opened this new cultural center for the community. To celebrates its opening, they scheduled events and brought in various speakers and exhibits on different historical topics. Right after the WWII event, they, of course, brought in the Roswell historians. It was a natural progression. How could I NOT have gone to hear that presentation?? I know! So I went.

1 - The people who consider themselves historians of that incident, and who continue to do research today, are strange cats. A polite way to describe them would be to say they are "passionate" about what they do. An impolite way to describe them would be to say they are fuckin crazy, and may actually BE aliens themselves.
2 - Having said that, Something happened in New Mexico on July 7, 1947. And whatever it was that did happen, the US government REALLY did not want the public to know. I'll leave it at that, because the theories and conspiracies are best left to people with more time on their hands than I.
Speaking of God Vs. Aliens...
Who do you think would win in an epic battle for Earth and mankind? Yeah, I know, "He" is all powerful and all, but have you ever seen Marvin the Martian's eludium PU35 explosive space modulator ray gun? That ray gun is no joke and will f some shit up (provided Bugs Bunny hasn't sabotaged it).
What do you think? Who wins, aliens or God? (And yes, I am only letting you choose one.)
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