
You disappoint me

I am very disappointed. This time I'm giving you no pictures, no links, and no videos. It's just you and me, and I'm pissed off.

A trend is beginning to dominate our society, and we are all a part of it. This trend is so disappointing and annoying to me, that I'm actually ready to start fighting against it. This blog entry is step one in my plan of action (when I figure out wtf step 2 is, I'll let you know).

The trend that I speak of is demonstrated by all of the people who toss cigarettes out of their car windows. It is cultivated and perpetuated in our school classrooms at all levels of education. It is practiced with precision by our elected officials. The trend is gaining in popularity, and it spreads like a deadly disease. I am talking about the trend away from accountability, and towards indifference, laziness and finger-pointing. I could right a dissertation on this topic, but I want you to read on, so I'll do my best to keep it relatively short.

Allow me to quickly illustrate a few selected examples of this trend:
  1. Smokers: I don't care if you smoke. Go right ahead. I don't mind that you put an unnecessary strain on our already taxed health care system, or that you don't have enough self-respect to care for your own body. I don't even mind that you aggravate my asthma anytime I want to go out at night (topic for another day). It's a free country. Do what you must. All that I ask, is that you don't f#@ing throw your nasty, used, stink-ass cigarette butts onto MY roads and sidewalks. If, however, you still insist on doing it, please allow me encourage you to throw all of your trash out of your window. If you're going to be lazy, then at least take some pride in it... quit half-assing and do it right.
  2. Students: I don't care if you cheat. If you're smart enough to get away with it without getting caught, then let me be the first to congratulate you. Besides, you'll either grow out of it, or it'll come back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it. Either way, it doesn't bother me none. What I do care about, however, are those insignificant, disrespectful, ungrateful little bastards who get caught, then accuse their teachers of lying, or of being unfair. You just, don't, get it. My dad was a teacher, my mother is a teacher, I work with teachers all day long. I will spare you the appalling stories in the spirit of time, but take my word for it, kids are becoming more selfish and righteous than they have ever been, and it's ruining many good teacher's will to teach. It's hard to blame the kids, though, because those issues start at home. Parents, I'm disappointed in you. Administrators, I'm also disappointed in you for not backing your teachers and for being afraid of the parents. Enough is enough. Punish the bad kids, and pay your teachers more money. Shit.
  3. Elected Officials 1: Let us start with former-prez Mr. Clinton. You did good things for this country. I liked you. Don't for one second, though, believe that I couldn't tell you were lying from day 1 of your scandal. The most powerful man in the world (maybe), should never, ever be allowed to argue with me about the definition of "is." If you had just admitted to what you did, you probably would have been re-elected, and spared this country from the living tragedy who is... (see #5).
  4. Elected Officials 2: Ah, how can I pass up the chance to mention our broad-shouldered, well-spoken, delusional Mayor of Detroit. Positive things are happening in the city, and I appreciate your contributions, Mr. Kilpatrick. You have made mistakes, though, and you have not, for one damn second, held yourself accountable. On the contrary, you are condescending and repeatedly insult my intelligence with your refusal to admit and take responsibility for your actions. Not only do you not admit to your mistakes, you blame others for them, and drain funding from an already economically troubled city budget. How is it possible, that you have spent your life in Detroit, yet you do not understand how forgiving your neighbors and colleagues can be? Your failure to understand your own people will ultimately complete your professional downfall.
  5. Elected Officials 3: GWB. No real explanation is necessary for him anymore. We all know the story. He is Babe Ruth, Wayne Gretzky, MLK, JFK, The Beatles, and the Godfather. He is the greatest ever. No one will ever approach his uncanny ability to completely lose touch with reality while also spinning lies into truths (in his own mind).
So, why do we do these things? Why do we support others who do these things? Have we lost all respect for ourselves and our neighbors? Have we become so self-absorbed, that we can no longer see the reality of our actions? Is it the economy's fault? Are we afraid of something? Are there Aliens shooting invisible waves of brainwashing electricity into our fragile minds, so that we destroy ourselves and allow them to colonize our planet?

I think the answer is simple. We do these things because we can. We are a mob. We are lemmings. I would need to do some real research to find the underlying cause for the trend, but I suspect that it's far more complicated that I can imagine or attempt to explain in a blog. I do, however, know the solution.

You are the solution. I am the solution.

Hold yourself accountable for your own actions. When you make a mistake, admit it, learn from it, and move on. When others around you make mistakes, hold them accountable. Individuals, particularly those who believe in something, have the power to affect change. Don't re-elect laziness, and don't make excuses for anyone. Spread the word, cure the disease. We are not defined by our accomplishments in life, we are defined by the actions that we take when faced with adversity.

I apologize for preaching at you, and I realize that my argument is incomplete, but you'll forgive me for it.

And finally, I leave you with my favorite quote. Its origins aren't easy to track down, but I believe an ancient Greek philospher named Seneca uttered the words: "Don't tell me what you believe, show me what you do and I'll know what you believe."


  1. just a technicality, Clinton couldn't have been re-elected, he already finished 2 terms.

  2. ah shit, you're right. well maybe he would have at least done less damage to the party if he had admitted to it.
