Well, now you know. You're going here, to Pecha Kucha Night.
New things are good. See you there.
Pecha-Kucha (pronounced peh-chak-cha) is a Japanese word which means "the sound of conversation." You can learn the details of the event's origin here. It was the first of its kind in Detroit, and the turn out was good enough to overwhelm Atwater Brewery. Who stops serving food at 8pm when the place is packed, anyway?!
The premise was simple, each presenter shows 20 slides, each displayed for 20 seconds each, and they narrate along with the images. Simple, concise and very effective, I believe. A few of the presenters showed off some really amazing work, and rubbing elbows with creatives is always a good time to me.
There's another event being planned for November 25th (venue tbd), see you there, yes?

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